4. What Baud Rate, Parity and Start and Stop bits are you using?
Make sure the settings on the TriCoder match what the host
program is expecting. When all else fails, try the default settings.
The TriCoder reads one bar code and stops reading
after that…
Double-check the Computer Interface setting. Selecting Mac
ADB as the interface when you are not physically connected to a
Mac will hang up the TriCoder.
If you selected polling protocol, the TriCoder needs to be polled by
your computer before it will read another bar code. If you selected
Polling with ACK/NAK, you also need to send an ACK or NAK
back to the TriCoder after each read (unless you specify a finite
time-out) as well as the poll, before it will read another code.
The TriCoder transmits data to your screen or serial port
but some characters are garbled or missing…
Check your serial parameters. Do the baud rate, parity, start and
stop bits match on both the TriCoder and the serial port?
Make sure you have selected the correct Data Format. RS-232
ASCII is the most commonly used.
If you are using your own software to read the serial port, consider
that not all software can keep up with the serial port at the highest
baud rate. Try setting the TriCoder and serial port to a lower Baud
Rate. If you have cables over 100 feet long, try lowering the baud rate.
I can’t communicate with my RS-232 port on the host…
This is one of the most common problems we hear. Check your
cables first. Get rid of all cables and connectors except the Worth
Data cable. If that works, your cables are suspect.
The TriCoder transmits a few messages then hangs…
If you are using a terminal/ host configuration and are using
XON/XOFF protocol on the terminal, disable XON/XOFF on the
TriCoder – it may be missing the XON after intercepting a XOFF.
Program troubleshooting
The following examples have to do with programming the TriCoder.
When editing a program, all I can see are the upload
prefixes and suffixes…
If there is a data file currently in the TriCoder, you cannot edit any
part of the programs except for the Upload Prefix or Upload