of your data file, press the BEGIN key. The TriCoder displays:
(last quantity data entered)
Press any key on the TriCoder keypad. The TriCoder displays
the first record of data. To scroll through the data record by
record, press the RIGHT ARROW key.
To immediately go to the end of the data, press the END KEY.
At the END OF FILE prompt, hit any key to get to the last record
of data in the file.
To scroll backwards through the data record by record, press the
LEFT ARROW key. To edit individual characters in a data
record, use the right and left arrow keys to find the data you want
to edit.
If you know what data you are looking for (or want to look for
all data that has certain characters) you can use the SEARCH
key. After pressing the SEARCH key, the TriCoder displays the
SEARCH PATTERN prompt. Enter the data you want to search for (i.e.22)
then press ENTER. The TriCoder begins its search at the beginning of the
file and moves forward until a match is found. If using our example of 22,
the TriCoder would find all data that contains 22, regardless of its position
in the data (i.e.22345, 32245, 34522). To scroll through the data fields,
press the SEARCH key again.
Pressing the DELETE key deletes characters to the left. Replace
characters simply by pressing a key. To replace an entire data
entry, use the right and left arrow keys to find the data, then
press the CLEAR key to delete the entry. You can re-enter data
at this point by entering data from either the keypad or by
scanning. If you enter data from the keypad (when either editing
single characters or replacing an entire entry) you must press
ENTER on the keypad for the change to take place. If you
want to completely delete the data, after pressing CLEAR, the
TriCoder will prompt you with DELETE THIS FIELD? If you are sure
you want to delete the data, press ENTER.
You can use the STATUS key at any time during data collection
to check the amount of memory you have left as well as the
battery levels: