nnnnnnnnnn -the order number or name
-number of items picked
-number of items remaining
You can review data while using a Pick List but blank spaces
are replaced with an asterisk (*) character while in data review
mode in order to differentiate between items picked (data file)
and items not picked (Pick List).
Uploaded Data File Format
In Pick Lists, the accessed records are written to one of the TriCoders three
possible data files. When the TriCoder is finished with the Pick List and is
uploaded, it is uploading the data file to the host computer, not the actual
Pick List. When a Pick List data file is uploaded, it writes a “comma
delimited” format, making it easy to process on the host computer. Table
data is also uploaded with trailing spaces if they exist in the original table.
For example, the following Pick List record looks like this when part of the
Pick List:
Aisle 23,Bin 14M Aspirin 12oz. PinkL 111111014
but looks like this when it uploads to the host computer:
“Aisle 23,Bin 14M “,”Aspirin 12oz. PinkL ”,”111111”,”014”