There are several restrictions when using the "A" statement:
You cannot have a "negative" result - in other words, you cannot
enter 100 - 115 (expected sum would be -15).
You cannot start an entry with a "negative number" - i.e. you
cannot enter -100.
You can use whole numbers only - no decimals or fractions.
Only 1 calculation is allowed per sum; for example, you can enter
10 + 5 and press ENTER, but you cannot type 10 + 5 + 3 for one
entry. You would have to enter 10 + 5, press ENTER (sum
displayed would be 15), and then type + 3, then ENTER (sum
displayed would be 18).
The maximum sum (intermediate or final) is 65,000.
• Prompt Text
The next field in the TriCoder programming is the PROMPT text. This prompt
is asking you to enter the text you want displayed to the user. If you have
chosen D (Data) for the STATEMENT ENTRY TYPE, typical PROMPT text
might be something like "ENTER DATA" or "SCAN BARCODE". A "Q"
(Question) statement might display text such as "DAMAGED GOODS?".
The PROMPT Text statement has other uses besides just displaying an
operator prompt. By using an @ as the first character in the statement text,
you can display the last data entered for this prompt as the default data. To
accept this displayed data as the data you want to enter for the prompt, press
the ENTER key. For example, if the PROMPT text is "ENTER ITEM
NO.", and the data entered for the prompt is 1234, then the next time the
PROMPT text is displayed, it would display as follows:
To accept 1234 as the actual data (instead of entering new data), simply
press the ENTER key on the TriCoder.
Entering ! as the first character for the PROMPT text field will cause the
TriCoder to increment the last data entered for the statement by 1. To
accept this data, the user simply presses the ENTER key on the TriCoder.
To enter different data, press CLEAR, then enter the new data via the
scanner or the TriCoder keypad. Here is an example of how this works:
Lets say that while collecting data in our program, we enter the number
12345 at the ENTER ITEM NO. Prompt when it is displayed on the
TriCoder. By using the ! as shown above, the next time we see the ENTER
ITEM NO. Prompt, the TriCoder will increment the last data entered and