User Guide
Configuration Example
Choose the type as Inform, and set the retry times as 3, and the timeout period as 100
Switch_A(config)#snmp-server host 162 admin smode v3 slev authPriv
type inform retries 3 timeout 100
Enable storm-control Trap
Switch_A(config)#snmp-server traps storm-control
Configuring RMON
1) Create Statistics entries 1 and 2 to monitor ports 1/0/1 and 1/0/2, respectively. The
owner of the entries is set as monitor, and the status is set as valid.
Switch_A(config)#rmon statistics 1 interface gigabitEthernet 1/0/1 owner monitor
status valid
Switch_A(config)#rmon statistics 2 interface gigabitEthernet 1/0/2 owner monitor
status valid
2) Create History entries 1 and 2 and bind them to ports 1/0/1 and 1/0/2, respectively. Set
the sample interval as 100 seconds, max buckets as 50, and the owner as monitor.
Switch_A(config)#rmon history 1 interface gigabitEthernet 1/0/1 interval 100 owner
monitor buckets 50
Switch_A(config)#rmon history 2 interface gigabitEthernet 1/0/2 interval 100 owner
monitor buckets 50
3) Create Event entries 1 and 2 for the SNMP user admin. Set entry 1 as the Notify type
and its description as “rising_notify”. Set entry 2 as the Log type and its description as
“falling_log”. Set the owner of them as monitor.
Switch_A(config)#rmon event 1 user admin description rising_notify type notify owner
Switch_A(config)#rmon event 2 user admin description falling_log type log owner
4) Create Alarm entries 1 and 2. For entry 1, set the alarm variable as RecPackets,
associated Statistics entry ID as 1 (bound to port 1/0/1), the sample type as Absolute,
the rising threshold as 3000, the associated rising event entry ID as 1 (Notify type),
the falling threshold as 2000, the associated falling event entry ID as 2 (the log type),
the alarm type as all, the interval as 10 seconds, and the owner name as monitor. For
entry 2, set the associated statistics entry ID as 2 (bound to port 1/0/2), while all other
configurations are the same as those of entry 1.
Switch_A(config)#rmon alarm 1 stats-index 1 alarm-variable revpkt s-type absolute
rising-threshold 3000 rising-event-index 1 falling-threshold 2000 falling-event-index 2
a-type all interval 10 owner monitor
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