User Guide
Configuring AAA
Configuration Example
3) Create two method lists: Method-Login and Method-Enable, and configure the server
group RADIUS1 as the authentication method for the two method lists.
Switch(config)#aaa authentication login Method-Login RADIUS1
Switch(config)#aaa authentication enable Method-Enable RADIUS1
4) Configure Method-Login and Method-Enable as the authentication method for the
Telnet application.
Switch(config)#line telnet
Switch(config-line)#login authentication Method-Login
Switch(config-line)#enable authentication Method-Enable
Switch#copy running-config startup-config
Verify the Configuration
Verify the configuration of the RADIUS servers:
Switch#show radius-server
Server Ip Auth Port Acct Port Timeout Retransmit NAS Identifier Shared key 1812 1813 5 2 000AEB132397 123456 1812 1813 5 2 000AEB132397 123456
Verify the configuration of server group RADIUS1:
Switch#show aaa group RADIUS1
Verify the configuration of the method lists:
Switch#show aaa authentication
Authentication Login Methodlist:
Methodlist pri1 pri2 pri3 pri4
default local -- -- --
Method-Login RADIUS1 -- -- --
Authentication Enable Methodlist:
Methodlist pri1 pri2 pri3 pri4
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