User Guide
Notification Configurations
Step 2
snmp-server host
ip udp-port user-name
{ v1 | v2c | v3 }] [
{noAuthNoPriv |
authNoPriv | authPriv }] [
{ trap | inform}] [
retries] [
Configure parameters of the NMS host and packet handling mechanism.
Specify the IP address of the NMS host in IPv4 or IPv6. Make sure the NMS host and the
switch can reach each other.
Specify a UDP port on the NMS host to receive notifications. The default is port
162. For communication security, we recommend that you change the port number under
the condition that communications on other UDP ports are not affected.
Enter the name used by the NMS host. When the NMS host uses SNMPv1 or
SNMPv2c, enter the Community Name; when the NMS host uses SNMPv3, enter the User
Name of the SNMP Group.
v1 | v2c | v3:
Choose the security model used by the user from the following: SNMPv1,
SNMPv2c, SNMPv3. The NMS host should use the corresponding SNMP version.
noAuthNoPriv | authNoPriv | authPriv:
For SNMPv3 groups, choose a security level from
noAuthNoPriv (no authorization and no encryption), authNoPriv (authorization and no
encryption), authPriv (authorization and encryption). The default is noAuthNoPriv. Note that
if you have chosen v1 or v2c as the security model, the security level cannot be configured.
trap | inform:
Choose a notification type for the NMS host. For SNMPv1, the supported type
is Trap. For SNMPv2c and SNMPv3, you can configure the type as Trap or Inform.
The switch will send Trap messages to the NMS host when certain events occur.
When the NMS host receives a Trap message, it will not send a response to the switch. Thus
the switch cannot tell whether a message is received or not, and the messages that are not
received will not be resent.
The switch will send Inform messages to the NMS host when certain events occur.
When the NMS host receives an Inform message, it sends a response to the switch. If the
switch does not receive any response within the timeout interval, it will resend the Inform
message. Therefore, Inform is more reliable than Trap.
Set the retry times for Inform messages. The range is between 1 to 255 and the
default is 3. The switch will resend the Inform message if it does not receive any response
from the NMS host within the timeout interval. And it will stop sending Inform message when
the retry times reaches the limit.
Set the time that the switch waits for a response. Valid values are from 1 to 3600
seconds; the default is 100 seconds. The switch will resend the Inform message if it does
not receive a response from the NMS host within the timeout interval.
Step 3
show snmp-server host
Verify the information of the host.
Step 4
Return to Privileged EXEC Mode.
Step 5
copy running-config startup-config
Save the settings in the configuration file.
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