User Guide
Configuring DHCP Filter
Configuration Examples
4.2.4 Using the CLI
1) Enable DHCPv6 Filter globally and on all pots:
Switch_A(config)#ipv6 dhcp filter
Switch_A(config)#interface range fastEthernet 1/0/1-24
Switch_A(config-if-range)#ip dhcpv6 filter
Switch_A(config)#interface range gigabitEthernet 1/0/25-28
Switch_A(config-if-range)#ip dhcpv6 filter
2) Create an entry for the legal DHCPv6 server:
Switch_A(config)#ipv6 dhcp filter server permit-entry server-ip 2001::54 interface
fastEthernet 1/0/1
Switch_A#copy running-config startup-config
Verify the Configuration
Verify the global DHCPv6 Filter configuration:
Switch_A#show ipv6 dhcp filter
Global Status: Enable
Verify the DHCPv6 Filter configuration on ports:
Switch_A#show ipv6 dhcp filter interface
Interface state Limit-Rate Dec-rate LAG
--------- ------- ---------- -------- ---
Fa1/0/1 Enable Disable Disable N/A
Fa1/0/2 Enable Disable Disable N/A
Fa1/0/3 Enable Disable Disable N/A
Fa1/0/4 Enable Disable Disable N/A
Verify the legal DHCPv6 server configuration:
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