Configuring QoS
Auto VoIP Configuration
User Guide
Auto VoIP Configuration
Configuration Guidelines
Before configuring Auto VoIP, you need to enable LLDP-MED on ports and configure
the relevant parameters. For details about LLDP-MED configuration, please refer to
Configuring LLDP
Auto VoIP provide flexible solutions for optimizing the voice traffic. It can work with
other features such as VLAN and Class of Service to process the voice packets with
specific fields. You can choose and configure Auto VoIP and other features according
to your needs.
5.1 Using the GUI
Choose the menu
QoS > Auto VoIP
to load the following page.
Figure 5-1
Configuring Auto VoIP
Follow these steps to configure the OUI addresses:
1) In the
Global Config
section, enable the Auto VoIP function gloablly.
2) In the
Port Config
section, select the desired and configure the parameters.
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