August 1996
TMS320C62x Pipeline
The ’C62x pipeline provides flexibility to simplify programming and improve
performance. Two factors provide this flexibility:
Control of the pipeline is simplified by eliminating pipeline interlocks.
Increased pipelining eliminates traditional architectural bottlenecks in
program fetch, data access, and multiply operations. This provides single-
cycle throughput.
This chapter starts with a description of the pipeline flow. Highlights are:
The pipeline can dispatch eight parallel instructions every cycle.
Parallel instructions proceed simultaneously through each pipeline
Serial instructions proceed through the pipeline with a fixed relative phase
difference between instructions.
Load and store addresses appear on the CPU boundary during the same
pipeline phase, eliminating read-after-write memory conflicts.
All instructions require the same number of pipeline phases for fetch and
decode, but require a varying number of execute phases. This chapter
contains a description of the number of execution phases for each type of
instruction. The ’C62x generally requires fewer execution phases than the
’C67x because the ’C62x executes only fixed-point instructions.
Finally, the chapter contains performance considerations for the pipeline.
These considerations include the occurrence of fetch packets that contain
multiple execute packets, execute packets that contain multicycle NOPs, and
memory considerations for the pipeline. For more information about fully
optimizing a program and taking full advantage of the pipeline, see the
TMS320C62x/C67x Programmer’s Guide.
Pipeline Operation Overview
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Pipeline Execution of Instruction Types
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Performance Considerations
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Chapter 5