MAX 10 Plus User
May 31, 2019
Figure 6-23 Nios II Software Routine Architecture
Finally, the detailed descriptions for Software flow chart of the Socket Server program are listed
Firstly, the Socket Server program initiates the MAC and net device then calls the get_mac_addr()
function to set the MAC addresses for the PHY. Secondly, it initiates the auto-negotiation process to
check the link between the PHY and gateway device. If the link exists, the PHY and gateway
devices will broadcast their transmission parameters, speed, and duplex mode. After the
auto-negotiation process has been finished, the link will be established. Next, the Socket Server
program will prepare the transmitting and receiving path for the link. If the path is created
successfully, it will call the get_ip_addr() function to set up the IP address for the network interface.
After the IP address is successfully distributed, the NicheStack™ TCP/IP Stack will start to run for
Socket Server application.
Note: your gateway should support DHCP because it uses DHCP protocol to request a valid
IP from the Gateway, or else you would need to reconfigure the system library to use static IP
Design Tools
Quartus II v15.0
Nios II Eclipse 15.0