MAX 10 Plus User
May 31, 2019
Demonstration Source Code
Project directory: Demonstrations\adc_potentionmeter
Bitstream used: adc_potentionmeter.sof
Demonstration Batch File
Demo batch file folder: Demonstrations\adc_potentionmeter \demo_batch
Batch file: test.bat
FPGA configuration file: adc_potentionmeter.sof
Demonstration Setup
Please make sure Quartus II and USB-Blaster II driver are installed on the host PC.
Connect the USB cable from the USB-Blaster II port (J8) on the MAX 10 Plus board to the host
Power on the MAX 10 Plus board.
Execute the demo batch file “test.bat” under the folder Demonstrations\ adc_potentionmeter
Rotate the VR resistor POT1 with a screwdriver. HEX1 and HEX0 will display the voltage
DAC Demonstration
This demonstration uses the 16-bit Digital to analog converter (DAC) built-in the MAX 10 device
to generate square wave in 8 difference frequencies. The signal coming out of the SMA connector
on MAX 10 Plus board is transmitted to the oscilloscope. The oscilloscope will display the square
wave in different frequencies by switching SW [2:0] on the MAX 10 Plus board.
Function Block Diagram
is the function block diagram of this demonstration. The source data in parallel is
converted to serial data by the DAC16 module. The DAC chip (DAC8551) then converts the serial
data from digital to analog. The analog signal coming out of the DAC SMA connector is connected
to the oscilloscope and shown in square wave. Users can switch the SW0~2 to change the frequency
of the square wave.