MAX 10 Plus User
May 31, 2019
Figure 5-5 Block Diagram of the DAC Demo
Design Tools
Quartus II v15.0 64-bit
Demonstration Source Code
Project directory: Demonstrations\ dac_sma
Bitstream used: dac_sma.sof
Demonstration Batch File
Demo batch file folder: Demonstrations\ dac_sma\demo_batch
Batch file: test.bat
FPGA configuration file: dac_sma.sof
Demonstration Setup
Please make sure Quartus II and USB-Blaster II driver are installed on the host PC.
Connect the USB cable from the USB-Blaster II port (J8) to the host PC.
Plug in the 5V adapter to the MAX 10 Plus board and power it up.
Execute the demo batch file “test.bat” from the directory \ dac_sma\demo_batch.
Connect the probe of the oscilloscope to the DAC SMA OUT of the MAX 10 Plus board and
adjust the display until the square wave is visible, as
Switch SW [2:0] from 000 to 111 and the frequency of the square will be changing. The
square-wave frequency is twice higher. When SW [2:0]=000, the square wave frequency is
about 2.6KHz; When SW[2:0]=111, the frequency is about 112KHz.