MAX 10 Plus User
May 31, 2019
Figure 5-3 Settings of ADC Hard IP
The MAX 10 Plus board has a Variable Resistor (VR) onboard, which acts as a potentiometer in this
shows the block diagram of Power Monitor demonstration. The ADC
reference clock running at 10MHz is generated by PLL. It feeds into the ADC Hard IP in MAX10
device. The analog voltage input comes from the VR controls the voltage level. The control logic
within the ADC Hard IP reads the digitized voltage data. It then converts the data and displays the
level value on two 7-segments. Since none of the dot points of two 7-segments is connected to the
MAX 10, so HEX1 and HEX0 shows the decimal point and the first digit after the decimal point
Figure 5-4 Block Diagram of ADC Potentiometer
Design Tools
Quartus II v15.0 64-bit