When installing a CPU heatsink and
cooling fan make sure that you DO
NOT scratch the motherboard or any of
the surface-mount resistors with the clip
of the cooling fan. If the clip of the
cooling fan scrapes across the main-
board, you may cause serious damage
to both the mainboard and the proces-
On most mainboards, there are small
surface-mount resistors near the proces-
sor socket, which may be damaged if
the cooling fan is carelessly installed.
Avoid using cooling fans with sharp
edges on the fan casing and the clips.
Also, install the cooling fan in a well-lit
work area so that you can clearly see
the mainboard and processor socket.
C o olin g fan an d
heat sink
C P U so cket
Important Information
This publication, including all photographs, illustrations and
software, is protected under international copyright laws, with all
rights reserved. Neither this manual, nor any of the material
contained herein, may be reproduced without the express writ-
ten consent of the manufacturer.
Version 1.0
The information in this document is subject to change without
notice. The manufacturer makes no representations or warranti-
es with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaims
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ticular purpose. Further, the manufacturer reserves the right to
revise this publication and to make changes from time to time in
the content hereof without obligation of the manufacturer to no-
tify any person of such revision or changes.