EVAL-L9001 is a low cost tool designed to evaluate L9001, a smart power device designed by STMicroelectronics in advanced
BCD technology.
L9001 Simple Power Supply (SPS) device is a multiple output power regulator for automotive applications with one buck
regulator, one configurable buck or linear regulator and one linear regulator. Its output voltages are configurable via discrete
On top of the regulators, this device integrates a watchdog functional block, and a diagnosis functional block (under/over
voltage, output current and temperature).
Device is capable of low power operation mode with main regulators still active and reduced power consumption from battery.
EVAL-L9001 embeds a typical configuration for SPC5x microcontroller family supplying:
Buck 5 V output for peripheral supply
Buck 1.2 V output for core supply
LDO 5 V output for ADC reference supply
The expansion connector allows to monitor the different diagnostic reset signal, to enable the regulator and, if activated, to
service the windows watchdog.
EVAL-L9001 evaluation board
User manual
Rev 1
June 2019
For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office.