JP6: CPU frequency select jumper
This jumper enables you to force the CPU to clock at a higher
frequency than it is rated. Short pins 2 and 3 to force the CPU to
run at a 100 MHz FSB instead of a 66 MHz FSB. We recom-
mend that you leave the jumper on the normal operation setting.
Jumper Setting
Short pins 1-2
Force 66 MHz FSB to
run at 100 MHz FSB.
Short pins 2-3
1 2 3
JP7: CPU frequency select jumper
This jumper enables you to force the CPU to clock at a higher
frequency than it is rated. Short pins 2 and 3 to force the CPU to
run at a 133 MHz FSB instead of a 100 MHz FSB. We recom-
mend that you leave the jumper on the normal operation setting.
Jumper Setting
Short pins 1-2
Force 100 MHz FSB to
run at 133 MHz FSB
Short pins 2-3
1 2 3
Note: The CPU speed is determined by the CPU Host/PCI Clock
speed multiplied by the CPU Clock Ratio. Refer to the Frequency
Control Option in Chapter 3 for more information.
Forcing the CPU to run at a higher clock speed then it was rated
for is called overclocking and is not recommended.