MAX 10 Plus User
May 31, 2019
After sending out the parity check bit, the controller should release the data line, and the device will
detect any state change on the data line in the next clock cycle. If there’s no change on the data line
for one clock cycle, the device will pull low the data line again as an acknowledgement which
means that the data is correctly received.
After the power-on cycle of the PS/2 mouse, it enters into stream mode automatically and disable
data transmit unless an enabling instruction is received.
communication happening on two lines.
Figure 5-1 Waveform of Clock and Data Signals during Data Transmission
Design Tools
Quartus II v15.0 64-bit
Demonstration Source Code
Project directory: ps2_mouse
Bitstream used: ps2_mouse.sof
Demonstration Batch File
Demo batch file folder: Demonstrations\ps2_mouse\demo_batch
Batch file: ps2_mouse.bat
FPGA configuration file: ps2_mouse.sof