MAX 10 Plus User
May 31, 2019
Chapter 4
The MAX 10 Plus System Builder
This chapter introduces the MAX 10 Plus System Builder to help users get started in creating their
own projects in literally minutes. It also describes the design flow and includes an example for users
to get familiar with the tool.
The MAX 10 Plus System Builder is a Windows-based utility. It is created to help users build a top
project for MAX 10 Plus within minutes. The generated Quartus II project files include:
Quartus II project file (.qpf)
Quartus II setting file (.qsf)
Top-level design file (.v)
Synopsis design constraints file (.sdc)
Pin assignment document (.htm)
The above files generated by the MAX 10 Plus System Builder can also prevent situations that are
prone to compilation error when users manually edit the top-level design file or place pin
assignment. The common mistakes that users encounter are:
Board is damaged due to incorrect bank voltage setting or pin assignment.
Board is malfunctioned because of wrong device chosen, declaration of pin location, or the
direction is incorrect/forgotten.
Performance degradation due to improper pin assignment.
General Design Flow
The design flow of building a Quartus II project for MAX 10 Plus using the MAX 10 Plus System
Builder is illustrated in
. It gives users an overview about the steps, starting from
launching the System Builder to configuring the FPGA. The left-hand side of the chart can be done
within minutes. After users enter the design requirements, the MAX 10 Plus System Builder will
generate Quartus II project files, Quartus II setting file, top-level design file, Synopsis design
constraint file, and the pin assignment document.
The top-level design file contains a top-level Verilog HDL wrapper for users to add their own
design/logic. The Quartus II setting file contains information such as FPGA device type, top-level
pin assignment, and the I/O standard for each user-defined I/O pin. These files can be modified
according to the project requirements. After the compilation is successful, users can download
the .sof file to the development board via JTAG interface using the Quartus II programmer.