MAX 10 Plus User
May 31, 2019
The audio chip should be configured before sending audio signal to the audio chip. The main
program uses I2C protocol to configure the audio chip working in master mode; the audio output
interface working in I2S 16-bits per channel and with sampling rate according to the wave file
contents. In audio playing loop, the main program reads 512-byte audio data from the SD Card, and
then writes the data to DAC FIFO in the Audio Controller. Before writing the data to the FIFO, the
program will verify if the FIFO is full.
While the demonstration is running, users can get the status information through Nios II terminal.
You can adjust the volume by pressing KEY1 or KEY2. And also you can choice the song by
pressing KEY0 or KEY3.
Design Tools
Quartus II 15.0
Nios II Eclipse 15.0
Demonstration Source Code
Quartus Project directory: sdcard_audio
Nios II Eclipse project workspace: sdcard_audio\software
Nios II Project Compilation
Before you attempt to compile the reference design under Nios II Eclipse, make sure the project
is cleaned first by clicking ‘Clean’ from the ‘Project’ menu of Nios II Eclipse.
Demonstration Batch File
Demo Batch File Folder:
The demo batch file includes following files:
Batch Files: test.bat,
FPGA Configure File: sdcard_audio.sof
Nios II Program: sdcard_audio.elf
Demonstration Setup
Please follow the procedures below to set up the demonstration:
Format your Micro SD Card into FAT16/FAT32 format
Place the wave files (in folder \music) to the root directory of the Micro SD Card. The provided
wave files must have a sample rate of the following options: 96K, 48K, 44.1K or 8K. In
addition, the wave files must be stereo and 16 bits per channel.
Connect a headset or speaker to the MAX 10 Plus board so you can hear the music played from
the micro SD Card in later.
Insert the micro SD card into the micro SD socket on MAX 10 Plus board.
Make sure Quartus II and Nios II are installed on your PC.