Revision 7.10
The glider arity option,
n, arity
>, specifies how many gliders are
expected to connect on the associated serial port. The two possible values are
The value
indicates that once a glider has connected to this serial port, Dock
Server can assume subsequent connections to the port are by this same glider. This
assumption allows Dock Server to skip the glider identification phase at the start of
every connection (refer to section 9.4). Thus, this glider connects faster and the user
sees its connect indicator turn green sooner. For example, the portdockserver
portdockserver mod n single ttyUSB0
Configures Dock Server to treat every subsequent connection on serial port ttyUSB0 as
if it’s from the same glider as the one that first connects. If the first glider that connects
is identified as “Darwin” (using the process detailed in section 9.4), then all subsequent
connections to the associated serial port are assumed to be the glider Darwin.
Dock Server clears the association between a glider and serial port when Dock Server
is restarted or when the serial port’s Data Set Ready line transitions high to low (occurs
when a serial cable is unplugged from a serial port).
If at any time, Dock Server detects that a connected glider is not the assumed glider,
Dock Server switches to the detected glider.
The value
indicates that more than one glider may connect to this serial port.
Thus, Dock Server always attempts to identify the glider with each connection as
described in section 9.4. For example, the portdockserver command:
portdockserver mod n multiple ttyS0
Configures Dock Server to treat each connection to port ttyS0 as if it could be from a
different glider. Thus, Dock Server attempts to identify the connecting glider each time
carrier detect goes high.
Table 22 shows the default glider arity option values for each device type.
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