Revision 7.10
1. Activate the appropriate glider tab and click the pause queue button in the scripts
control area.
The script status field’s outline turns yellow indicating that the script queue is suspended.
Suspending a glider's script queue while a glider is communicating with the Dock Server
allows a user to enter one time glider commands and then resume the queue.
4.4.4 Resuming a Glider's Script Queue
To resume a selected glider's script queue, follow these steps.
1. Activate the appropriate glider tab and click on the resume queue button in the scripts
control area.
The script status field’s outline changes from yellow to green.
4.5 Receiving Glider Email
The Dock Server machine can notify users by email that specific glider events have
occurred. These events include establishing communications with the Dock Server
machine and aborting a glider mission. Users can subscribe to event notification for a
specific glider by activating that glider’s tab (i.e., opening that glider’s tab or clicking on
it) and then clicking the email subscriber button. To receive glider event notifications by
email, follow these steps.
1. Activate the appropriate glider tab and click the
email subscriber button.
Figure 47 shows the email button in the glider
2. From the subscriber email pull down box in the
Event Notifications Subscriptions dialog, select
the Subscriber email to receive glider event notifications (Figure 48).
If the desired subscriber email address does not appear among the selections, then click
the Add Subscriber button, enter the subscriber’s email, and click the OK button. Now
select the desired email address from the pull down box.
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Figure 47. Email subscriber button
Email subscriber button