Revision 7.10
Closes the channel tab under the mouse pointer. A user can not explicitly
open a channel tab. Glider Terminal automatically opens a channel tab
when it receives glider output on a channel. Glider Terminal automatically
closes a channel tab when the tab’s corresponding glider is no long
managed by its Dock Server.
4.9 Audio Alarms
Glider Terminal sounds audio alarms when particular events occur. Currently, these
events include when a glider surfaces and when a glider aborts a mission. By default, a
ship’s bell is sounded when a glider surfaces and a klaxon is sounded when a glider
aborts a mission. For the purpose of audio alarms, Glider Terminal sounds a glider
surface event when one of the following situations occurs:
A) Dock Server has determined that a glider is at the surface at the time Glider Terminal is
launched. Sounding the alarm in this case gives the user immediate audio cues that gliders
are currently in communication with the Dock Server. A glider may actually have been at
the surface for some time. Note that Dock Server determines a glider is at the surface when
it knows the glider’s name or has labeled it as the “unknown” glider (refer to section 11.4
How Does Dock Server Recognize a Glider
B) Dock Server recognizes a glider is at the surface while Glider Terminal is running.
Glider Terminal sounds a glider abort event when the following situation occurs:
A) Dock Server notifies Glider Terminal that an abort has occurred and that abort’s “last abort
time” is later than the launch time of Glider Terminal. That is, Glider Terminal does NOT
sound an abort alarm for any abort that occurs before Glider Terminal was last launched.
Dock Server detects a glider abort by scanning received glider dialog for an “abort dialog”.
An example abort dialog follows:
ABORT HISTORY: total since reset: 3
ABORT HISTORY: last abort cause: MS_NOINPUT
ABORT HISTORY: last abort time: 20050322T14:27:37
ABORT HISTORY: last abort segment: ann200508032 (0847.0002)
ABORT HISTORY: last abort mission: GY10V001.MI
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