Revision 7.10
Device attached to Serial Port
on the Dock Server Machine
Default Glider Arity Value
Iridium modem – U.S. Robotics Courier
56K Business Modem or U.S. Robotics
MP/8 or MP/16 modem bank.
Freewave Wireless Data Transceiver.
Direct serial cable connection between the
Dock Server machine and a glider
Table 22. Default glider arity option values for devices.
2.8 Dock Server General Configuration
Dock Server's configuration file is /etc/opt/gmc/dockserver.conf. This file controls the
following aspects of the Dock Server application.
The Dock Server identifier used in log filenames.
The TCP/IP socket Dock Server listens on for Glider Terminal requests.
Various paths Dock Server uses to find GLMPC maps, user and factory scripts,
and glider directories, and to store log files.
Location of Dock Server's dynamic state file.
RUDICS connections.
Glider authentication over RUDICS and serial port connections.
This configuration file is only read during Dock Server application startup. To make a
change to this file effective, the Dock Server application must be restarted after the file
has been changed. Figure 27 shows the factory delivered dockserver.conf file.
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