Revision 7.10
2. Move any Dock Server scripts in the factoryscripts directory that you have modified or
that you use in operations to the scripts directory. The rollback may modify the contents
of the factoryscripts directory. Refer to section 3.8.1 for appropriate use of the factory
scripts and scripts directories.
3. Connect the Dock Server machine to the Internet (refer to section 1.2).
4. Log on as “root” from the Dock Server machine’s “boot up” window (i.e., do not open a
terminal window and log on as root from within a user account) When prompted, enter
the root password. Refer to Appendix D for the root password.
5. Open a terminal window by selecting Applications / System Tools / Terminal from the
menu bar.
6. At the terminal window prompt, enter the following command.
#gmcswitchto nojava <old release number>
where <old release number> is the rollback Dock Server release number. For example,
to rollback to release 6.32, enter the following command.
#gmcswitchto nojava 6.32
7. Once the rollback has completed, close the terminal window by entering “exit” followed
by the enter key and log off as user “root”.
8. Restart the Dock Server and, if applicable, Data Server applications (refer to sections 2.1
and 7.1 respectively) and check that the rollback release is running (refer to appendix
9 Start Glider Terminal, GLMPC Terminal, and Data Visualizer (from the Dock Server
web page or otherwise) on each client machine to initiate a client tool rollback.
All available Dock Server releases for roll back purposes can be seen by browsing to
the following URL using a Web browser.
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