Revision 7.10
Note that this approach simplifies the creation of new maps for the user, but does not
include the creation of associated bathymetry data. Also, the user must of course
ensure that the coordinates of the lowerlefthand and upperrighthand points of the
map image are correct.
Finally, maps can be created and loaded for use by Glmpc Terminal using only the
lowerleft and upperright map coordinates as input (i.e. when no actual .JPG image of
the map exists). This is useful when, for example, the user wishes to use Glmpc
Terminal on an area of open ocean where an image may not be available, or may be of
little use (e.g. with no coastline visible). There are two ways of doing this: either by
explicitly entering the map coordinates, or by rubberbanding a region on the currently
displayed image. Both approaches result in an imageless map being created and
loaded. The first approach (explicitly entering coordinates) requires the following steps:
Select Maps/Create Map (no image file) from the Glmpc Terminal’s menu bar. A
dialog requesting a unique name for the map will be displayed.
Enter a name for the map (e.g. newyorkharborNY) and select ‘OK’. This will
result in two further dialogs (similar to that shown in Figure 68) requesting the
lowerleft and upperright map coordinates respectively.
If all data is entered correctly, the map will then be loaded and displayed as a blank
background with gridlines.
The second approach (rubberbanding a region) requires the following steps:
Select Maps/Create Map (rubberband) from the Glmpc Terminal’s menu bar. A
dialog requesting a unique name for the map will be displayed.
Enter a name for the map (e.g. newyorkharborNY) and select ‘OK’. Leftmouse
clicking will then create a rubberband, which can be used to define a region on the
currently displayed image.
Once the region is defined, the map will then be loaded and displayed as a blank
background with gridlines.
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