Revision 7.10
12.8.6 Testing with a Glider
It's recommended to follow this procedure with the Glider in the parking lot before
putting it in the ocean. The best arrangement is to position the Glider with a clear view
of the sky for the Iridium connection and within Freewave range of the Dock Server.
This should produce two “tabs” in GliderTerminal that shows all communication on the
“Freewave” tab and Iridium RUDICS communication on the “networknet/<n>” tab.
Note: It is sometimes difficult to have a single physical Dock Server within Freewave
range of the glider while connected to the private ethernet. If one has access to two
Dock Servers, it is straightforward (but somewhat confusing) to have GliderTerminal
connect to different Dock Servers simultaneously. One can watch the Freewave
communications via one Dock Server and the Iridium RUDICS communications via the
other Dock Server from the same GliderTerminal.
Establish Communication over Freewave.
Put the Glider in
GliderDos I -3>lab_mode on
GliderLAB I -3 >
In Freewave tab, you should see the Glider “dialing”:
476.09 12 Iridium has been powered on for 4.2 secs
476.12 Waking up Iridium... sending:ATE1
480.29 13 Iridium driver received:[ATE1[0D][0D]]
480.33 Iridium modem matched: OK
480.35 Waking up Iridium... sending:AT+cbst=6,0,1
484.53 14 Iridium driver received:[AT+cbst=6,0,1[0D][0D]]
484.58 Iridium modem matched: OK
488.76 15 Iridium waiting for registration...
505.79 19 Iridium dialing [0088160000555]...........
505.82 Iridium waiting for connection...
510.30 20 Iridium driver received:[ATD0088160000555[0D]]
518.63 23 Iridium driver received:[[0D]]
518.65 Iridium modem matched: CONNECT 4800
518.69 Iridium connected...
518.71 Iridium console active and ready...
Vehicle Name: slocum
Curr Time: Mon Aug 18 15:13:49 2008 MT: 518
DR Location: 3830.578 N -6925.800 E measured 0.31 secs ago
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