Revision 7.10
specifies where maps used by the GLMPC client are stored. The “glidersHome”
attribute indicates where all glider related files are located. These files include each
glider's logs and files transferred to and from a glider using zmodem. All Dock Server
application's user defined scripts are stored in “scriptsHome” and all factory delivered
scripts are stored in “factoryScriptsHome”. The “logsHome” attribute indicates where all
Dock Server application log files are stored (e.g., console.log and daily activity logs).
As the Dock Server application runs, it saves its dynamic state to the file specified in the
XML attribute “dynamicStateFile” of the “files” element. This file specifies email
notifications and serial port configurations. Please refer to section 2.7 for an
explanation of this file's contents.
The XML attributes of the “networkSerialPorts” element configure RUDICS connections
used by gliders. The “max_num” attribute determines how many gliders can
simultaneously connect to Dock Server over RUDICS. The “tcp_port” attribute defines
the TCP/IP socket that Dock Server listens to for RUDICS traffic. Finally, the
“glider_must_authenticate” attribute indicates weather or not a glider must authenticate
upon connecting to the Dock Server machine. Refer to chapter 12 for the details of
RUDICS configuration and glider authentication.
The XML attributes of the “serialPorts” element (not shown in figure 27) configure glider
authentication over iridium, freewave, and direct connections. To require glider
authentication, set the “glider_must_authenticate” attribute to “true”. Refer to chapter 12
for the details of configuring glider authentication.
2.9 Upgrading to the Latest Dock Server Release
Dock Server upgrades are available over the internet for versions 3.6 and later. To
upgrade earlier versions, please contact glider support email at
[email protected]. Each time a new version of Dock Server is
available, Webb Research notifies all customers by email. Note that Glider Terminal,
Data Server, GLMPC Terminal, and Data Visualizer application upgrades are part of a
Dock Server upgrade.
2.9.1 Upgrading from Release 3.6 through 6.36 to the Latest Release
To upgrade Dock Server (and all other GMC applications), follow these steps.
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