Revision 7.10
Figure 19. Modem settings saved in NVRAM and loaded upon power up.
Note that upon power up the DTE port speed is configured to 115,200 baud. However,
once the modem is powered up, it continuously monitors for changes in the port speed
by watching for AT commands and autoadjusts itself to any new detected speed. This
autoadjusting can cause Dock Server to stop communicating with the modem.
For example, many terminal emulation applications (e.g., minicom, Kermit, and
Procomm) send initialization AT commands when the application first communicates
with the modem. If the computer’s serial port speed is set to 9600 baud when the AT
commands are sent, then the modem will adjust its DTE port speed to 9600. When
Dock Server launches, it sets the computer’s serial port to 115,200 but never sends any
AT commands. Since the modem has not sent any AT commands, it never detects and
adjusts its DTE port speed. Thus, the modem sends glider character traffic to the Dock
Server at 9600 baud, but the Dock Server is expecting it at 115,200 baud. These
mismatched baud rates result in glider output appearing garbled in Glider Terminal.
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