Revision 7.10
by the return key would browse Glider Terminal to a Dock Server machine with that IP
When browsing a Dock Server, the default TCP/IP socket 6564 is used. To specify a
particular TCP/IP socket number, add a colon followed by the desired fourdigit socket
number to the domain name or IP address entered in the GMC Site field. For example,
entering would browse the Dock Server machine on
socket 4321. Note that for sockets other than the default, the browsed Dock Server must
be configured to listen for Glider Terminal requests on that socket (refer to section 2.7).
If Glider Terminal successfully connects to the entered Dock Server, the server’s icon in
the glider tree appears green. A red icon means the Dock Server machine was not found
on the network.
To browse additional Dock Servers, enter their domain name in the GMC site field.
They will appear as Dock Server nodes under the node labeled Docks.
If a malformed expression is accidentally entered in the GMC Site field (such as and the return key pressed, the GMC Site field will
turn yellow and display the text “Malformed IP address:” followed by the expression.
Also, no Dock Server using the expression will be added to the glider tree. Correcting the
malformed expression in the GMC Site field and pressing the return key will return the
field to its original white background, as well as add the Dock Server to the glider tree.
To stop browsing a Dock Server, right click its Dock Server node and select remove from
the popup menu.
2. To browse the gliders managed by a Dock Server, click on the lollipop icon to the left of
the Dock Server node in the glider tree.
Figure 37 shows an expanded Dock Server after clicking its lollipop icon.
3.5 Glider Terminal Perspectives
Glider Terminal’s user interface supports two user interfaces for interacting with gliders
connected to a serial port managed by Dock Server. First, the glider perspective is a
view that assumes devices attached to serial ports are Webb Research’s Slocum
gliders. This assumption allows Glider Terminal and Dock Server to provide glider
specific features like scripts for autonomous glider operations, email notifications of
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Managed Glider node
(three total)