AG F (Contin
G F (Contin
G F (Contin
G F (Contin
G F (Continued)
Step F-9
Step F-10
1. Cut a piece of Two Sided Tape (156) to the same size as the
bottom of the receiver
(not included).
Peel one side of the backing
off and stick the Tape to the bottom of the receiver.
2. Make sure that the area on the right side of the Chassis (19) is
clean. Wipe this area off with a clean cloth or rag.
*NOTE: Rubbing alcohol can be used to clean any oily residue
that may be present on the Chassis or receiver. Allow the alcohol to
dry before applying the Two Sided Tape.
3. Peel the backing off of the Two Sided Tape and install the
receiver to the right side of the Chassis with the antenna wire exiting
the receiver towards the front of the car as shown in Figure 59.
4. Run the antenna wire forward to the Antenna Post on the Chas-
sis. Run the wire into the small hole in the bottom of the Antenna
Mounting Post, and up through the top of the Post.
5. Slide the antenna wire through the Antenna Tube (157)
small drop of oil in the tube will make this easier)
so that the wire
comes out the other end of the tube.
*NOTE: If antenna wire is shorter than the Tube,
remove the
and cut off enough of the Tube so that the wire will extend
about 3/4" past the end of the Tube.
6. While pulling the wire through the Antenna Tube, slide the
Antenna Tube down and push it firmly into the Antenna Mounting
Post on the main Chassis.
7. Fold the wire down over the Antenna Tube and place the An-
tenna Cap (158) over the tube and excess wire.
8. Plug the speed control wire into the channel 2 slot on the re-
ceiver, then plug the wire from the servo into the channel 1 slot.
Figure 59
Figure 60
Receiver Install:
Battery Install:
1.Place two Battery Spacing Foam (152) pieces into the
recessed area in the center of the Chassis (19). One foam should be
positioned back against the rear Shock Tower (55), and the other
forward against the Chassis Brace (147)
The Battery Strap can be mounted in
one of two ways. The different offset will accommodate different
styles of batteries. If you will be running matched-type cells, or indi-
vidual cells laid out side-by-side, the Foam Strip should be attached
on the side with ribs. The foam should be positioned between these
ribs. If, however, you are using a pre-assembled stick pack, the foam
strip should be attached to the side of the strap opposite the ribs.
2. Remove the Backing Tape from the Battery Strap Foam Strip
(153) and attach it to the bottom side of the Battery Hold Down Strap
3. Once the battery pack (not included) is installed, the Battery
Strap (154) will hold the batteries in place. The Battery Strap fits
under the rear "bridge" of the Chassis, between the two ribs on the
bottom, and fits over the post on the front Chassis Brace (147). The
strap is secured to the post with a Body Clip (155).