Page 34
4. Remove the cover and transfer pipe (17)
from the valve chest (26) by withdrawing
four screws and washers.
5. Remove the valve retainer and flat horse
shoe spring from Inside the valve chest (26)
by withdrawing two screws.
6. Withdraw the valves (22 & 31) and "Tee"
shaped lever (11) complete from Inside the
valve chest (26) by applying light pressure
to the plug (8) In the end of the control
piston bore.
7. Remove the cast body (29) from the vice
and withdraw the control piston assembly
from the top bore by tapping the mounting
flange of the cast body on a wooden block.
8. Dismantle the control piston assembly by
compressing the piston spring, easing off
the clrcllp and removing the spring and
9. Remove the two seals from the control
piston and one from the plug (8).
I 0. Withdraw the piston rod bearing bush (23)
from the output piston bore and using a
hooked tool remove the gland seal beneath
followed by the nylon spacer (24).
11. Mount the cast body vertically In the vice
by one of the mounting lugs and tit the
compression tool to press the output piston
(25) Into the bore. For the compression
tool details see fig. 21.
12. Using clrclip pilers fully compress the clr
cllp In the bore and carefully lift out the
ctrcllp exercising great care not to damage
the bore, otherwise a brake failure may
13. Release the compression tool when the pis
ton spring (27) will push out the washer
followed by the output piston (25) the
latter Is then discarded
Section K (Brakes)
14. Refitting Is the reverse of the removal
sequence but particular attention must be
given to the following.
All seals must be renewed and lubri
cated with Girling Brake Fluid; lubricate
the bores and pistons with Girling Red
Rubber Grease.
II Flt a new output piston (25) as the pis
ton rod seal can only be titted during
manufacture and confirm that the taper
seal has the larger diameter nearer the
reduced end of the piston.
Ill flt the spring (27) to the output piston
(25) feed Into the bore, spring first,
followed by the washer and hold In
position with the compression tool and
clip the tool under the mounting flange
of the cast body (29).
Iv Ensure that the clrcllp does not foul
the side of the bore and fits snugly Into
Its groove; this operation must be un
hurried and the clrcllp pilers must be
secure on the clrcllp, for any damage
to the bore can result In brake failure.
Remove the compression tool from the
cast body.
v flt the nylon spacer (25) Into the bore,
large end first, followed by the gland
seal, llp end first and finally fit the
bearing bush (23).
vi Flt the control piston to the bore so
the transverse hole aligns with the hole
In the valve chest (26).
vii It Is unlikely that the two nylon valves
(22 & 31) will need renewing but when
It Is necessary their faces should be
lapped on a piece of glass with tine lap
ping paste to ensure they are airtight.
Flt the valves (22 & 31) and "Tee"
shaped lever (11) complete so the
horseshoe spring location above the
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Page 189: ...Fis 21 Ball pin heirht checkinr fixture in position Details of items 1 to 4 In Fig 22...
Page 208: ...Fla 3 Exploded view of rear axle Hypoid Bevel Drive...
Page 220: ...Page 16 WSM 12 f Section G Rear Axle 0 QQ I I I I I t 0 ii 8 ts t 0 Cl 2 i J...
Page 247: ...Page6 WSM 124 Section J Steering N Iii it...
Page 299: ...Page 40 3 6 7 8 Fis 22 Se rvo unit exploded view Sect WSM 124 ion K Brakes 18 419 GZo 21...