FVS-1000 MMP1
D. Adjustment of the glass motor and sensor dynamic
gain and response.
Before starting this adjustment set the following to
have a data value of “00000000”. Type “gain vp” on
the PC. Change the data to 0 if not already set to 0s.
Repeat this process for “gain vd”, “gain hp” and “gain
Connect scope probe to SV-186 TP301 ( Vertical glass
sensor ).
Type “aging” on the PC. This will move the glass
between two different positions. Next, we will adjust
the gain and response for each of the glass driver
While looking at TP301 ( vertical glass sensor) adjust
the data values for the following commands “gain vp”
and “gain vd”. These adjustment do interact so move
slowly between the two adjustments.
First adjust “gain vp” then adjust the “gain vd” for
decrease overshoot.
The specification that you are looking to achieve is a
rise and fall time of just under 7mSec, with no over-
shoots or ringing at the end of the transition.
See figure 3.
Connect scope to SV186 TP311 (horizontal glass
sensor). Type “aging”, and then change the data of
“gain hp” and “gain hd” until the specification of
above is achieved.
When you finish with these adjustments, type “glass
off” for stop aging.
To save these new values for gain vp, vd, hp and hd,
turn the system power off. These values will be
automatically saved into memory during the power
down cycle.
Figer 3: Glass dynamic operation
No Overshoot
Under 7 ms
Under 7 ms
6-4. OPS Assembly Adjustment
C. Once you have achieved the specifications listed at the
TP301 & TP311 (previous step), type on PC “adjust”,
then change data to “00000021”, “00000022”,
“00000023”, “00000024”. This will enable the OPS
CPU to learn the newly adjusted values of the glass
movement limits. The following data values corre-
spond to the limits that were adjusted by scope
00000021 check that signal is same as 00000011
00000022 check that signal is same as 00000012
00000023 check that signal is same as 00000013
00000024 check that signal is same as 00000014
If for any reason the ops block has changed or adjusted
then you must change the data as listed above.
When you have completed this step, set the “adjust” value
back to “00000000” then return or enter.