Configuration / project engineering
5.4 Basic Wizard
Operating Instructions, Release 08/2007, C79000-G8976-C221-02
MAC mode
drop-down list box
Here, select how the SCALANCE W700 client obtains a MAC address. The following are
Auto find 'Adopt MAC'
The SCALANCE W700 client automatically adopts the source MAC address of the first
frame that it receives over the Ethernet interface.
Set 'Adopt MAC' manually
You enter the MAC address manually.
Adopt own MAC (not for SCALANCE W744-1PRO / W744-1)
As a client, the SCALANCE W700 uses the MAC address of the Ethernet interface for the
WLAN interface.
Layer 2 Tunneling (not for SCALANCE W744 1PRO / W744-1)
As a client, the SCALANCE W700 uses the MAC address of the Ethernet interface for the
WLAN interface. The network is also informed of the MAC addresses connected to the
Ethernet interface of the SCALANCE W700 client.
Adopt MAC
input box
If you have selected the "Set 'Adopt MAC' manually" check box, here you will need to enter
the MAC address of the device connected over Ethernet to the SCALANCE W700 operating
in client mode.
If you do not want layer 2 communication to be handled over the SCALANCE W700
operating in client mode, but only want higher-layer IP-based frames sent to one or more
connected devices, you can also leave the default setting "Adopt Own Mac". In this mode,