Configuration / project engineering
5.6 Configuration with Web Based Management
Operating Instructions, Release 08/2007, C79000-G8976-C221-02
Signal strength
The signal strength is displayed as an average of the last received frames or at the
sending end of the last received acknowledge frames.
Frame count
Counter for all successfully received or sent frames.
Management frames
Counts all received or sent management frames.
RTS frames
Is incremented when a CTS frame is received in response to an RTS frame.
Displays an average data rate of the most recently received or sent data frames.
Data frame count
Counts all received or sent data packets.
Data bytes count
Displays the sum of all received or sent bytes in a data frame.
Sum of all received or sent data unicasts.
Sum of all received or sent data multicasts.
Sum of all received or sent data broadcasts.
This page displays statistics of the transmission errors that have occurred. A high error rate
indicates a bad connection.