PR5230 Instrument Manual
SMA Protocol
Example: 6000 kg x 1 kg platform scale
Command Reply
<LF> I <CR>
<LF>SMA:2/1.0 <CR>
<LF>N<CR> <LF>CAP:kg_:6000:1:0
Example: 5000g x 1 g, 10000g x 2, 25000 g x 5 multiple range/multi-interval
Command Reply
<LF> I <CR>
<LF>SMA:2/1.0 <CR>
<LF>N<CR> <LF>CAP:g__:5000:1:0
Communication Error
When a communication error due to a parity error or a frame error (if used) was detected, the scale sends an
ASCII ‘!’ character. The only other error is the detection of an unknown or non-supported command. In this
case, an ASCII '?' character is sent as a reply. Dependent on the error messages, the controlling computer must
decide how to continue the scale operation.