Remote Control
User Manual 1173.9463.02 ─ 02
6.1.3 Establishing and Testing a LAN Connection
In the following example, a direct LAN connection is set up to the R&S CMW500. The
connection is tested using a simple test script.
The steps in detail depend on the test environment in use. The present example is based
on a test tool which requires an additional VISA installation.
1. Connect your R&S CMW500 to the controller or to the home/company network using
the LAN REMOTE connector at the rear panel.
2. Switch on the R&S CMW500, wait until the startup procedure is complete and press
the SETUP key.
3. In the
, look up the "IP Address" assigned to the R&S CMW500.
In the following, we assume that the instrument has the IP address
4. Start your test tool, define the VISA address string and assign an alias.
In the following example, the VISA address string
"TPCIP0::" is defined. For an explanation of this address
refer to section
. The VISA alias (short string) is "CMW".
5. Write a test script using the VISA alias and run the script.
Hostname and IP address
The VISA address strings displayed in the Setup dialog contain the hostname of the R&S
CMW500 instead of the IP address. Use the address string type that is most convenient
for you.
The following test script queries the identification string of the connected R&S CMW500
and returns the contents of the error queue:
On test script execution, the test tool generates the following result log:
: Opening new VISA channel: TCPIP0::
: Connection to TCPIP0:: established!
: Session handle: 0
: VISA Resource-Identifier: TCPIP0::
: send_Query(0, "*IDN?")
: [-->TCPIP0::] *IDN?
: read_Answer(0, ..., False)
: [<--TCPIP0::] Rohde&Schwarz,CMW,
: send_Query(0, "SYSTem:ERRor?")
: [-->TCPIP0::] SYSTem:ERRor?
: read_Answer(0, ..., False)
: [<--TCPIP0::] 0,"No error"
Remote Control Operation