TOPEX Bytton (HSPA+ / LTE)
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5.2.10 VLAN
This page configure the settings for the Virtual LANs of Bytton LTE.
Figure 5-55: The “VLAN” page with several virtual LANs defined.
A virtual or logical LAN is a subgroup in the physical local area network, which is created by
software. It functions at Layer 2, unlike IP sub-networks which operate at Layer 3 level.
R&S Topex’s ByttonICR implements VLANs according to the IEEE standard 802.1q. This
specifies additional bits (flags) to the data packets, marking them for prioritization and/or routing
for VLAN.
The “
” table explained here lets you define several logical networks – for each one
you must set up the Interface to be used, ID number for the respective VLAN, IP address and
corresponding net mask, then establish the MTU.