TOPEX Bytton (HSPA+ / LTE)
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The update (firmware image) files are called “company.-1.2.3--x.y.z-S.trx”, where 1.2.3. is the version
number, for instance 2.7.5 or 3.0.6, xyz refers to the mobile data network and equipping of Bytton LTE, or
detail th hardware model, such as :
topex-3.0.5-FA-S, vodafone-3.0.4-FA-V
Figure 5-158: Listing of a directory holding several firmware image files.
For instance, the firmware image files as shown above may be located in the folder “Updates”
located on the C: partition of the hard drive of the PC:
Figure 5-159: Location of the “Updates” folder, holding the firmware image files.
Select the file you want.
Figure 5-160: Selecting the software image to be uploaded.
In this case “
x” and press Open:
Each firmware file has an associated Control Sum. The control sum is a string of hexadecimal figures,
such as “f2209c63972be34f55d4e69d90042d93” and it is stored in a text file (with .txt extension), with the
same name as the firmware image. Using a control sum prevents you from loading a corrupted image.
The Control Sum is located in a txt with the same name as the firmware.