levels for speed settings and 5 independent acc/dec time settings
There are 5 independent acc/dec time settings in the 9 steps speed level. The
setting range is 0.0~3200.0 seconds. Speed from 0Hz to 60Hz , the minimum
acceleration time is 0.015 sec.(except free running), the maximum acceleration
time is 19200000 sec. (about 222 days).
6 digits display
There are 8 status of inverter can be displayed (frequency, speed, voltage,
current , etc).
Programmable inputs and outputs
There are 17 functions programmed by using input terminals X1~X6 and 12
functions programmed by output terminals, Y1 and Y2 (open collector), and
two relay output.
Connect to the external indicator for displaying the status of inverter
There are 3 external indicators(96mm x 48mm, 5 digits)can be used
simultaneously to indicate the inverter status such as frequency, speed, voltage,
current, and line velocity etc. Therefore, it is not needed to use the other
instruments or sensors such as CT etc., and the cost and wiring will be reduced.
Energy saving
Under the light load condition, the less energy is outputted for the purpose of
saving energy.
Store and copy settings
The settings can be stored in KP-201C and download to other inverter . This
function is useful in the case of several inverters with the same data settings. If
any alarm occurs during copy, the keypad will show “Wr_F” and copying will
Note: Check the version of software(F_000) first, only the same version
software inverter then it can be do the store and copy setting function.
Store inverter
parameters to
Factory setting
Write KP-201C
parameters to
Factory setting