User Manual
Reference number: 4111A-RADAR4600-GBD-R1.1
Date: 27 February 2018
Page 41 of 149
Extended RADAR settings
Picture presentation modes
Radar image can be shown in two motion modes in relation to own ship movement and additionally in
three azimuth stabilisation modes in relation to own ships heading.
Radar image motion modes
Relative Motion (RM)
RM is a display on which the position of own ship remains fixed in the display-centre (or in a manual
selected fix position), and where the whole radar image moves opposite to own ship movement direction,
with the actual speed of own ship.
True Motion (TM)
TM is a display presentation where the radar image is fixed on the screen. Shorelines and navigation aids
like buoys stays in fixed position, but symbol of own ship (OS) and all free floating objects move with own
true motion through the image. This motion is a combination of true course and true speed.
Summary of Radar motion presentation for targets and OS
Radar azimuth stabilisation
Head Up (H UP STAB) – stabilized
Head up is an azimuth fixed presentation, in which the ships heading is continuously orientated “up” toward
the top of the bearing scale. - Own ship heading line points on to the vertical upside shown course of
bearing scale, which acts as gyro compass repeater.*
Target trails may be true or relative.
Stabilised Head Up is advantageous to use with electronic charts, providing a presentation as seen visually
from the bridge.
Head Up is only available in Relative Motion.
Radar image in Head Up mode with True
bearing scale.
Steering course 308.8°.
The bearing scale acting as compass
repeater is the default setting. It can be switched to act as relative bearing scale with 000° as heading. This
can be done in all modes.
Trails (afterglow)
Own ship
[TM] [Trails T]
True Motion
True Trails
Moving objects
[TM] [Trails R]
True Motion
Relative Trails
Objects moving relative
to OS
[RM] [Trails T]
Relative Motion
True Trails
Fixed position
Moving objects
[RM] [Trails R]
Relative Motion
Relative Trails
Fixed position
Objects moving relative
to OS