User Manual
Reference number: 4111A-RADAR4600-GBD-R1.1
Date: 27 February 2018
Page 33 of 149
To improve image: Set GAIN to lower level and RAIN to higher level. Result will be
like in example 2.
Important Note:
Often the 'Trail time' for targets is set. In that case an afterglow of clutter will stay,
when Sea and Rain will be adjusted. It is then difficult to see at once the adjusting
results. So it is recommended, first to set Trail time to off, to get no afterglow.
Example 2
After finishing the Clutter adjustment the Trail time may be activated again.
In this example the settings are still not satisfying. Therefore additional
improvement is needed by setting RAIN to higher level.
Also GAIN may be reduced a little bit. (Reducing of GAIN always should be a
secondary step).
Sea clutter is still something disturbing.
Adjust SEA to a higher level.
Example 3
Image seems to be better. But now the parallel going dotted targets, STB beside
of ship are not visible, which may be buoys of a fish farm. - Proceeding is
described in next chapter.
Seaclutter works in that way, that damping starts with higher
value from ship centre and goes weaker with increasing
distance. It can happen that a small object is seen at a distance of 0,75NM, but
will be suppressed totally, when it approaches, may be at a distance less than
Example 4