User Manual
Reference number: 4111A-RADAR4600-GBD-R1.1
Date: 27 February 2018
Page 112 of 149
dangerous, are drawn as a normal radar target in an acquisition state (i.e. detected
outside an acquisition area) with the basic colour of other non dangerous target
If these targets additional are detected as dangerous, they stays red coloured.
If additional parameter are activated like those for OS, they are added to acquired targets and
shown the same way like for OS.
target with
speed and
target with
speed and
vector, plus
Tracked target
with speed and
course vector,
plus time
increments, plus
past track
tracking is
target, to
show detailed
AIS symbols
Sleeping AIS target – oriented to the targets’ reported heading (or
COG if heading is not reported) and centred at the targets
reported position. The base of the triangles will be 3 mm and the
height 4.5 mm. The triangles are drawn using a
thick solid line style (or a broken line if a collision avoidance
computation cannot be done) with the same basic colour used for
target symbols.
A sleeping AIS target with neither a reported heading nor COG
will be oriented toward the top of the operational display area.
Sleeping AIS target with neither reported heading nor COG.
Activated AIS targets - presented as acute isosceles triangles
oriented to the targets’ reported heading (or COG if heading is
not reported) and centred at the targets’ reported position. The
base of the triangles will be 4 mm and the height 6 mm.
The triangles are drawn using a thick solid line style (or a broken
line if a collision avoidance computation can not be done) with
the basic colour used for target symbols.
An activated AIS target with neither a reported heading nor COG
shall be oriented
toward the top of the operational display area.
Activated AIS targets may be labelled.
Activated AIS target with neither reported heading nor