User Manual
Reference number: 4111A-RADAR4600-GBD-R1.1
Date: 27 February 2018
Page 25 of 149
For differentiation, the
lines can be selected as
full line, broken or
dotted lines.
A short cross line is set
centred to the CCRP.
Colour of PI lines is
Heading line
PI- Truncate- line
PI full line
PI mixed broken/dotted line
(More details about PI
lines, see chapt.
Course scale
The course scale can be activated as
Relative bearing scale
or as
True bearing scale
The Relative bearing scale does not show a compass course. Zero degree of course scale is always aligned
with ships heading line. So all bearings made from OS are bearings related to ships heading line as zero
The True bearing scale acts as gyrocompass repeater. The heading line always is directed onto the actual
steered compass course.
To change scale mode click button [R BRG Scale] resp. [T BRG Scale]. The popup window shows the
alternatives. Click the respective grey coloured button, to change the mode.
True bearings scale is active. Heading line shows
compass course
Relative bearing scale is active. Heading line
shows bearing value 000°.
Course scale in Off Centre mode
When OS position is not fixed at centre of image, the course scale
always is orientated to the OS position. When OS position
changes, the scale direction follows the altered position. So
bearing measurements can be done in usual way, without taking
an offset into account.