REFUdrive 500 RD51
Operator control and parameterization
When these keys are pressed at the same time, changes from the mon- or prog range into
the temporary actual value display.
By pressing the ESC again, the display goes back to the selected menu. In order that
the operator can
between the normal operating display and the temporary
actual value display, the temporary actual value display has a flashing frame.
Fig. 4-5: Key combinations
Error messages when parameterizing
Error message
Parameter not accessi-
ble in the basic param-
Incorrect parameter number has
been entered in the numerical
Only pre-defined parameters are available in the basic
parameterization. Only enter parameter numbers from
the tables, Section 5.
Please select basic
Selected parameter is not acces-
sible in the free parameterization.
Changeover into the basic parameterization.
Caution! This can cause data to be lost.
Parameter inhibited.
Unit is operational.
Inhibit the inverter and then change the parameter.
Data conflict (general)
Several parameter settings are dependent on one another. If a parameter value is changed
and confirmed with
, data conflict can occur.
Data conflict
e.g. P0182 with P0183
The V/Hz characteristic frequencies
are not correct. The frequencies must
have a minimum 1 Hz clearance be-
tween them.
Temporarily accept the value of the first parameter
change with
, after the second parameter
change, confirm that both values are saved using
Data conflict
e.g. P0870
Changing from static- into dynamic
on/off command or vice/versa.
Static/dynamic operation for the
test/standard operating modes cannot
be selected mixed.
Temporarily accept the value of the first parameter
change with
, after the second parameter
change, confirm that both values are saved using
Fig. 4-6: Error messages when parameterizing
Copy function
A copy function is integrated into the operator panel. This allows a pa-
rameter set to be saved in the operator panel and to be quickly trans-
ferred to another unit. Only those parameters are saved, which are ac-
cessible using the selected password level. (Refer to the equipment set-
ting, parameters 0732 and 0733).
After the drive has been successfully commissioned and opti-
mized, the parameter set can be saved in the operator panel.
This means that when the AC drive is replaced, it can be
quickly re-commissioned.
Fault acknowledgment
After a fault/error occurs, “fault” is indicated in the operating display with
the fault cause and the number of operating hours. The fault can be ac-
knowledged using the
button on the operator panel after the fault
cause has been removed.
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01