DN-Series Integrated Programmable Controls
10.5.4 Code List for Save and Restore
Use these codes to troubleshoot the Save and Restore Feature.
Operation Done
Save or Restore was successful.
Cannot Access Disk
This usually happens when you choose USB and the USB is not
inserted or detected. If inserted, the connector may be
too short.
Cannot access file
This usually happens when you are importing and the file you
are importing does not exist.
Memory buffer is too small
You may have to erase some data from the drive or USB before
you can perform the operation.
Time parameters are not
The clock needs to be set in
General Settings
Module is currently busy—
retry is required
Another operation was running. Retry.
Log exporting failed
It is possible the connection was interrupted.
Input parameter value is
not valid
The file may not be compatible with the program.
If the unit does not confirm that the operation was done, the controller may have been older and
Choose File ID: EXPORT_xx, where xx is any number from 00 to 99, If you are saving a set of
parameters remember the number.
Set Confirm to Yes
10.5.5 Return to Program Defaults
A more drastic approach may be needed to get internal settings out of the controller. Once
done, you can restore a set of parameters by using any of the previously described methods.
The process is called “Wipe Retain” for anyone familiar with the Carel controller. Most likely
you will not use this operation unless you are directed to do so by RenewAire Technical Sales
Support (TSS).
To perform this operation, choose YES on the top line Wipe retain mem.
NOTE: Do not use
the other two lines
unless directed to
do so by TSS.
The unit will take a minute to get back. Then you can resume entering your parameters by
any method.