DN-Series Integrated Programmable Controls
5.2.4 CO2/VOC Control Option
The controller will adjust the supply fan VFD or ECM command to maintain the room or RA CO2/
VOC level at a setpoint. This option requires a field-installed CO2 or VOC sensor or value from a
BMS and setup for the sensor in the I/O configuration.
The CO2/VOC setpoint is entered and adjusted from the unit controller display or provided
by the BMS. An adjustable PI loop will compare the measured CO2/VOC level to the CO2/
VOC setpoint and adjust the fan speed. The minimum and maximum fan speed commands
are adjustable. If the measured CO2/VOC level exceeds 1000 ppm (adjustable) for more than
60 seconds (adjustable) a CO2/VOC alarm will be set to true. This supply fan operation mode
can be used to provide demand-controlled ventilation of a space. The minimum fan speed will
provide the required minimum outdoor air when the CO2/VOC level is at or below the CO2/VOC
5.2.5 CO2 Flow Control Option
The controller will adjust the supply fan VFD or ECM command based on the measured room or
RA CO2 level.