DN-Series Integrated Programmable Controls
The heating status values are shown. Multiple values may be true.
Heat Locked Out by OA
The heating outdoor air lockout is higher than the OA temperature.
Unocc Mode
Unit is in unoccupied mode (BMS or scheduler).
Unocc Heat
Unit is in unoccupied heating.
Heat on for reheat
Heat on for reheating in dehumidification mode.
Dehumid Mode
Unit is in dehumidification mode.
Unit OFF
Unit is off. 10–0VDC Hot Water Valve
The mode is determined by the outdoor temperature and the heating lockout
temperature settings.
Command (0–100%) to Heater, where 0 = 0VDC output and 100% = 10VDC output
Heating Status
The hot water valve control is 10VDC for closed and 0VDC for open so that it fails open. This
type of heating will modulate using PI control. The KP and Ti can be adjusted to fine tune
the control. The setpoint is also set here if set for Adjust. The NO1 heating enable contact is
engaged whenever the heating output is at 99% or lower.
NOTE: The valve
control can be set
directly from the
BMS if you change Valve
control to BMS. In this
case all Heating Control
settings from the control-
ler will be ignored.