DN-Series Integrated Programmable Controls
This usually indicates that the unit is probably hunting and the KP (gain) for the PI control needs
to be adjusted. Set the KP to 0.1 or 0.2 to start. If it responds too slow, you can increase it but
these values are usually acceptable.
Alarm Number 14 and 21:
Supply and Exhaust Air Static Pressure Level Alarms
These alarms occur when the supply fan is set to control on duct static pressure, or the exhaust
fan is set to control on return static pressure. It indicates that the pressure measured is out of
tolerance set here for more than the alarm delay set here.
If the sensor is reading correctly, this usually indicates that the unit is probably hunting and the
KP (gain) for the PI control needs to be adjusted. Decrease the KP to slow the response Increase
to get a faster response.
First make sure the pressure sensor is enabled in the
I/O configuration
and that there is a
reading in the
Unit Status
. If you don’t see this screen the sensor is not enabled. If the sensor is
not reading correctly, check the wiring and calibration screen.