Command reference
User Manual 1173.9163.02 ─ 62
-1, "too few port groups"
There must be at least two port groups defined, otherwise no
parallel measurement is possible.
-2, "invalid port groups"
The port groups have to be set up exactly as in the VNA GUI,
when "Enabled" is selected in the "Define Parallel Measure-
ment" dialog.
-4, "invalid sweep type"
Simultaneous Measurement with Frequency Offset requires
either a linear frequency sweep or a segmented sweep.
-6, "no simultaneous measurement possible"
Simultaneous Measurement with Frequency Offset requires that
port groups may actually be measured simultaneous. There are
some situations in which this is not possible; in these situations
Simultaneous Measurement with Frequency Offset is not availa-
-7, "stimulus buffer too small"
The stimulus buffer must contain at least two elements.
-8, "invalid offset or frequency step size"
The frequency offset which is actually used and which is deter-
mined both by the minimum frequency offset and the frequency
step size may not be too large as in that case the VNA is not
able to simultaneously measure at different frequencies any-
more. There is no simple formula specifying the maximum fre-
quency offset which can be handled by the VNA. However, in all
but very special cases an actual frequency offset of several MHz
can be used. Please note, however, that a small minimum fre-
quency offset combined with a large frequency step size may
lead to a large actual frequency offset.
-9, "extended stimulus buffer too large"
Internally, the firmware uses additional measurement points
which are completely transparent to the user. However, the num-
ber of sweep points entered by the user plus the number of addi-
tional internal sweep points (called the "extended stimulus buf-
fer") must not exceed the maximum number of sweep points
(100001). The number of additional sweep points depends on
the relation between minimum frequency offset and frequency
step size. The worst case occurs when the minimum frequency
offset is equal to or greater than the sweep range, in this case
the extended stimulus buffer contains the number of sweep
points entered by the user times the number of port groups.
Manual operation:
SCPI command reference